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Welcome to the Harrogate Skin Cancer Support Pack

Whether you have had a skin cancer diagnosis, been told you have a higher risk of skin cancer or are just looking for more information, this page has been designed by the Skin Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Team to enable you to access all the information you need, when you need it.

In partnership with:

Harrogate and Rural District CCG Logo
Harrogate Cancer alliance logo
Harrogate hospital logo

Skin Cancer

Image of sun set

What is skin


Find out about what skin cancer is and how it develops

Sun set over a cliff

Types of Skin 


There are many different types of skin cancer. Click the link to find out the some of the most common


Who is at risk?

Our lifestyle and history can impact out level of risk of skin cancer 

Shaded area

Sun Safety

Be sun safe, it's one of the best ways you can protect yourself


How to check your skin

Checking your skin often is simple yet important


What do I look for?

Find out about what skin cancer is and how it develops. 

Note writing

What to do if you're worried

Find out more about what to do if you're worried about your skin

Beach sea

How do check lymph nodes

Checking your lymph nodes at home is quick and easy to do. Follow this guide to find out how to do it yourself

Blood test



Giving blood, Prescription Exemption, Insurance, Welfare & benefits and Armed Forces

What is skin cancer
Types of Cancer

Types of Skin Cancer

Sandy Beach

What is skin

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer and the most frequently occurring form of all cancers.




Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is the second most common form of skin cancer and most often found on areas exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Atypical Fibroxanthoma

An Atypical Fibroxanthoma (AFX) is an uncommon type of skin cancer, It occurs mainly on the head or neck of older people, usually after the skin has been damaged by prolonged exposure to sunlight.



Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare type of skin cancer. It starts in cells, which are usually in the top layer of the skin (the epidermis). These cells are near the nerve endings and they help us respond to touch.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Lentigo Maligna

Lentigo maligna is one type of the earliest stage of a skin cancer known as melanoma. It appears as a long-standing brown patch, most commonly on the face, which slowly enlarges and develops darker areas

Lentigo Maligna

Insitu Melanoma

Melanoma in situ is the earliest stage of a skin cancer called melanoma. The cells are only in the very top layer of the skin so cannot spread to other areas of the body

Insitu Melanoma


Melanoma is a cancer that usually starts in the skin. It can start in a mole or in normal-looking skin. About half of all melanomas start in normal-looking skin.


Who is at risk?

Who's at risk?

Click the images to find out more.

Sun Saftey

Sun Safety & Sun Burn

What is sunburn and why should I protect my skin?

Watch this video to understand more about sunburn, why it's important to avoid it and how to protect your skin

Ue the arrow to the right to find out more about sunscreen - how it works, what type you need and how and when to apply it

Video Credit: Cancer Research UK

What should I look out for?

What to lookfor

What to do if you're worried.

What if worried
Nurse Talking to Patient

Your Skin Cancer Nurse Specialist will be happy for you to ring for advice but they may well advise you to see a Doctor.

The easiest and quickest way to do this is usually to see your GP. They can see and examine the area and may be able to reassure you, without you needing to come to the hospital

Many changes turn out to be totally harmless, you’re just far more aware of your skin after a diagnosis of skin cancer.

If the problem is with a skin cancer you are already having treatment for however we will usually arrange for your consultant to see you


Remember – If in doubt, check it out.

Checking Moles

How to check your skin

If you have a lot of moles it can be harder to check so:

  • Get to know your skin and what is normal for you, we’re all different

  • Look for changes.

  • Look for the ugly duckling, the one that is different from the rest

  • Check once a month, changes can happen at any time, see the video for how to do this.

  • Take photographs to compare against.

  • Put a ruler next to the mole you want to keep an eye on so you can see if it gets bigger.

  • Use an app to store them, this is an example of one which lets you put the images next to each other and makes it easier to compare, but you may find one you like better.

Find out more here


Remember – If in doubt, check it out

©2020, WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved

Regular checking of your skin is simple but important. Watch the video to find out more. 

Video credit: WebMD

Additional info


Giving blood, Prescription Exemption, Insurance, Welfare & benefits and Armed Forces

Woman Donating Blood
Insurance Agent

The information on this page is for guide use only. If you are unsure about anything or have concerns about your health, please speak to a trained health professional. 

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